Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Seed Saving Workshop!

Seed Saving Workshop!

December 12th at Skagit Valley College Friday Harbor Campus on San Juan Island, you can learn the basic skills to start saving seed on your farm. Seed can be a valuable crop for sale or on-farm use. It also holds important implications for crop conservation and food security, but growing seed successfully requires a basic understanding of seed biology and production techniques. 

Micaela Colley from the Port Townsend-based Organic Seed Alliance will combine a class lecture with hands-on demonstrations with topics including selecting crops, harvest techniques, and seed cleaning skills.
Thanks to a grant from the USDA this class is offered for a low cost of $10.

Pre-registration is not required, but is available. To save a spot, contact Candace Jagel at 360-370-7664 or
Thanks Candace and WSU Extension Office for putting together this learning opportunity! We are so lucky! 

Organic Seed Alliance is wonderful. Anyone who has seen "Food Inc" or read or or experienced what is happening to our seed supplies and our nation's small farmers knows how important it is to protect and nurture the earth's seed supply  - please take a look and see even just a little of what they do.
You can support or become a part of the Alliance by going by going Here.  You can also find some really great holiday gifts at this spot, believe it or not!