What a great, moving documentary, and what incredibly valuable information! If you weren't lucky enough to be at the presentation last night - please go to the library and borrow this film. The film is also available here.
It would not be a surprise to hear that people here are watching this movie over and over; as someone commented at the showing tonight, "This movie is about us." Please watch it, and see what they mean.
Slow Food USA's reduced membership fee offer is extended through Oct. 15: If you want to join Slow Food - check our 9/27 post (below). Any amount donation to Slow Food USA makes you a Slow Food USA member. Donations until 10/15 are being matched by supporter Mr. Donald Sussman, & are tax-deductable. They fund the programs listed on the 9/27 post, and many others. Slow Food USA and International sites have details. This is such a good deal we wanted to let you know about it.
Link to Backyard Chicken.
Link to chicken coop plans
photo by Bill Cobos